Editorial Team
Dr. Han Bao
MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory
Michigan State University,
United States.
Dr. Hany A. Fouad ,
Plant Protection Department,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Sohag University,
Morteza Kordi (PhD)
Department of Animal Sciences
Excellent Center for Animal Science
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad,
Dr. A. Mujib
Assistant Professor,
Department of Botany,
Hamdard University, New Delhi,
Dr. Onyeonagu Chinonye Chike
Department of Crop Science,
Faculty of Agriculture
University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Enugu State, Nigeria.
Dr. Urvesh D. Patel
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology,
College of Veterinary Science & A.H.,
Junagadh Agricultural University,
Junagadh – 362 001
Dr. Riffat Sultana
Assistant Professor
University of Sindh, Jamshoro
Department of Zoology
Dr. K. Vishwanath
Assistant Professor
Department of Seed Science and Technology
University of Agricultural Sciences,
Bangalore Zonal Agricultural Research Station
Mandya - 571405, Karnataka,
Camilo Busato (PhD in View)
Institute of Agricultural and Forest Defense of the Holy Spirit.
Getulio Vargas Avenue, No. 563 Centre 29700-011 - Colac, ES -
Dr. Mirza Hasanuzzaman
Assistant Professor
Department of Agronomy,
Faculty of Agriculture
Sher-E-Bangla Agricultural University
Dr Jitendra Kumar
Senior Scientist
Division of Agricultural Chemicals
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi-110 012
Dr. Lala Iswari Prasad Ray
Assistant Professor ( Water Resource Management)
School of Natural Resource Management
College of Post Graduate Studies,
Cental Agricultural University, Barapani
Umiam, Meghalaya-793103

List of Other Journals
- Advanced Journal of Geography and Regional Planning
- Advanced Research Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology
- International Journal of Pollination Research
- Advanced Research Journal of Business Management
- Advanced Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research
- Advanced Journal of Criminology and Security Research
- International Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development
- Advanced Journal of English and Literary Studies
- Advanced Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
- Advanced Research Journal of Medical Sciences
- See Full List