International Journal of Malaria and Tropical Diseases

International Journal of Malaria and Tropical Diseases (IJMTD) ISSN 2953-2108, Vol. 6(1), pp. 113-121, March, 2025. © Advanced Scholars Journals

 Full Length Research Paper

Novel Immune Supportive Prevention of Malaria, Data Collection Research in the city of Bukavu (DR Congo) 

Harry van der Zee1[1], Dieudonne Bisibo Alimasi2[2], Joseph Ndebo Balikwisha3[3], Harald Walach4[4]
1Amma Resonance Healing Foundation, Netherlands
2Departement des Oeuvres Medicales, Communaute des Eglises Evangeliques des Amis au Congo (CEEACO), Bukavu, DR Congo
3 Amma4Africa Fondation, Goma, DR Congo
4 Next Society Institute, Kazimieras Simonavicius University, Vilnius, Lithuania - Change Health Science Institute, Basel, Switzerlan

*Corresponding Author’s Email: [email protected]

Accepted 17th February, 2025.


This study evaluates the Africa Malaria Prevention Project (AMPP), which aims to enhance immunity against malaria using PC240m, a Source Resonance developed by Peter Chappell in 2002 based on Information Medicine. The research involved an observational, non-randomized outcome study in Bukavu’sKadutu health zone, divided into 13 health areas (HAs). From 2019-2023, AMPP was implemented in HAs 1-5 [2019: n=16.000 (8,9% of population); 2023: n=40.121 (19.2%). HAs 6-10 introduced AMPP in 2023 [n=33.636 (20,7%)], while HAs 11-13 served as controls throughout. Baseline data from 2018 and registered malaria cases and deaths (2018-2023) were analyzed using random-effects meta-analysis, because individual level-data were not available. This restricts the validity of the data. Results revealed significant reductions in malaria cases (odds ratio 0.55) and malaria-related deaths (odds ratio 0.61). Individuals treated with PC240m were 45% less likely to develop malaria and 39% less likely to die from it compared to controls. These findings suggest PC240m might effectively enhance immunity against malaria and might offer a feasible, inexpensive, and safe prevention strategy. Further research with cluster-randomized trials and individual-level data is necessaryfor more precise comparisons and validation of results.

Keywords: Malaria, Prevention, Immunity, Resonance, Information Medicine, PC240m

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