International Research Journal of Plant and Crop Sciences

International Research Journal of Plant and Crop Sciences (IRJPCS) ISSN 1711-3490, Vol. 7(2), pp. 221-229, March, 2022.  © Advanced Scholars Journals

Review paper 

Salt Tolerance Breeding in Rice: A Review Article

Daniel Nadew

 Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Melkassa Agriculture Research Center, Adama, Ethiopia: P. O. Box: 436

Corresponding Author: Email: [email protected] /[email protected]

Accepted 22th March, 2022.


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a major staple crop that feeds more than half of the world's population and is the monocotyledonous plant's model system. Rice, on the other hand, is extremely susceptible to salinity and is the saltiest grain crop. Salinity has a significant impact on plant growth and productivity, and is one of the leading causes of crop yield losses in agricultural soils around the world. Plants' salinity tolerance mechanisms are regulated by a combination of multi gene and environmental variables, which cause a slew of metabolic changes in every region of the plant. Stress-induced metabolic alterations in rice plants have been investigated extensively, particularly in plant components such as the stem, leaf, and root. Rice, which is classified as a typical glycophyte, faces a significant constraint in terms of salt tolerance. Soil salinity is one of the most significant restrictions to rice production around the world, particularly in coastal locations. Crop salt tolerance is a complicated trait that is influenced by a variety of genetic and non-genetic factors. Saline circumstances have a significant impact on the rice crop's survival, growth, and development. The survival date, plant height, root length, and stem and root weight are all affected by a higher salt content. The goal of this paper is to explore the problems that are preventing rice from improving its salinity stress tolerance, as well as potential solutions for improving salinity stress tolerance in this essential crop.

Key Words: Salt Tolerance, Rice, Salinity, Growth, Population Growth

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