International Research Journal of Plant and Crop Sciences

International Research Journal of Plant and Crop Sciences (IRJPCS) ISSN 1711-3490, Vol. 7(1), pp. 211-220, January, 2022.  © Advanced Scholars Journals

Review paper

Common mating design for Hybrid development

Temesgen Begna* and Workissa Yali

Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Chiro National Sorghum Research and Training Center P. O. Box 190, Chiro, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding Author’s E-Mail: [email protected]

Accepted 21st  December, 2021.


Mating design is the most important design that used in the production of offspring in plant breeding. The different forms of mating designs are used by plant breeders and geneticists for target purpose. Selection of good mating design is very critical for getting success in plant breeding. Plant breeders were using different mating designs and arrangements for the purpose of producing progenies. The mating designs are playing a crucial role with the main objectives of obtaining genetic information and get base population for the development of plant cultivars. In conventional crop improvement program, choice of mating design and genetic materials are the key to successes to develop the appropriate plant cultivars. Selection of mating design is affected by several factors that may include time, space, objectives of the study and other related problems. Mating design is needed to analysis variance in offspring’s of crop plants and evaluates the effects of gene action. It is also developed to estimate combining abilities of crop plants to formulate the appropriate breeding strategies. The knowledge of combining ability is very critical to determine the breeding procedure to improve the desirable traits. There is possibility to improve parents through selection, when the general combining ability to specific combining ability is greater than unity and the breeding procedure is designed heterosis breeding to improve the desirable traits when the general combining ability to specific combining ability is less than unity. Gene actions are estimated and analyzed using different mating designs as genetic expressions to devise crop improvement programs. To broaden genetic bases of the population, hybridization with use of mating is very critical to improve the required desirable traits.

Key Words: Mating Design; Hybrids; Dominance; Additive Gene; Combining Ability


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