International Journal of Wood Science, Technology and Forestry Vol. 4 (1), pp. 051-060, June, 2017. © Advanced Scholars Journals
Full Length Research papers
Properties of Rowan wood impregnated with various chemical materials in industries in Turkey
*Kemal Cem Pamuk, Ertegun Ismail Altan and Adivar Bülent
Department of Woodworking Industry Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Gazi University, 06500 Beẟevler, Ankara, Turkey.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
Accepted 12 May, 2017
The aim of this research was to determine some of the mechanical properties of Rowan wood impregnated with various impregnation materials. For this purpose, the test samples were prepared from Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia Lipsky) wood materials that are of common use in the forest products industry of Turkey according to TS 345. The test samples were treated with Tanalith-E, Vacsol Azure, Imersol-Aqua, and Boron compounds (Borax and Boric acid) by the vacuum impregnation technique in accordance with ASTM-D 1413-76 standards and directives of the manufacturers. After impregnation, each sample was tested for observation of amount of retention, compression strengths, bending strengths, and modulus of elasticity in bending. As a result, compression strength was the highest with Boric acid impregnation, bending strength with Imersol-Aqua impregnation and modulus of elasticity in bending with Tanalith-E impregnation. The lowest value in compression strength was measured with Tanalith-E, bending strength in Borax and modulus of elasticity in bending with Vacsol Azure. So, the impregnations with Tanalith-E have advantages in compression and bending strengths and modulus of elasticity in bending of Rowan wood
Key words: Rowan wood, chemical materials, compression strength, bending strength, modulus of elasticity in bending.
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*Kemal Cem Pamuk
Ertegun Ismail Altan
Adivar Bülent
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*Kemal Cem Pamuk
Ertegun Ismail Altan
Adivar Bülent
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