International Journal of Fishery Science and Aquaculture

International Journal of Fishery Science and Aquaculture Vol. 1 (1), pp. 024-027, September, 2013. © Advanced Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Fish post-harvest technologies as a mean of food and nutrition security

Demeke Teklu

Zeway fishery resources research center Oromia agricultural research institute P.O.Box 229 Ethiopia. [email protected]Tel +251913038068

Accepted 11, December 2013


Fish provide the main source of animal protein to about billion people globally. Fisheries are an important part of food security, particularly for many poor peoples in developing countries. In low income food deficiencies countries (LIFDCs) they make up 22% of animal protein consumption overall. The importance of small-scale fisheries in particular for food security is emphasized by FAO especially in coastal areas and around major rivers systems. Fish and fisheries contribute to food security through Subsistence and local consumption, income, accessible protein for the poor, reduces vulnerability etc. Fish plays an important role in a nutritionally rich diet for many Ethiopians. Eating habits have been shifting in favor of fish in the areas and communities where there is regular and significant supply. In those communities, annual fish consumption can exceed 10Kg/Person”. Among different solutions to maintain fisheries’ contribution to food security; reduction in fish post-harvest loss, improving the traditional processing, handling, and preservation method of fish and its gear system, developing new and value added products, etc through generating and adopting new technologies are crucial and the concern of this paper.; Different fish driers, processing kits, fertilizer, meal, smoking and marinating, retaining cage are among generated, adopted and scaled up technologies which contributes a vital role in food and nutrition security through availing preserved high quality protein and minerals, increasing production and its shelf life availing throughout the year at different places, generating income job opportunities to numerous householders(fish catch, net production, value addition, distribution, market processing).

Keywords: food, nutrition, security, technology, fish, processing.


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