International Journal of Dairy Science and Technology (IJDST) ISSN: 1716-3498, Vol. 4(2), pp. 225-237, September, 2020. © Advanced Scholars Journals
Review paper
Varieties of market milk and consumers perception – A review
Laguna Paredes CLa*, Rossmann Ba and Schreiner Mb
*aInstitute for Food Safety Vienna, AGES Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, Spargelfeldstrasse 191, 1220 Vienna, Austria.
bInstitute of Food Science, BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Muthgasse 18, 1190 Vienna, Austria.
*Corresponding Author Email: [email protected]
Accepted 7 September, 2020.
As a natural product, cow´s milk is traditionally consumed for its high nutritional value. Its product quality can be influenced only by different farming practices, food technologies, or selection of breed. Any other manipulation of milk such as the use of additives is not permitted. Since producers always aim to point out special characteristics of their product, consumers are confronted with recently implemented names of milk such as Haymilk, Meadow milk, Demeter milk or A2 milk. Consumers often negatively perceive terms connected with food technology (e.g. homogenization), whilst sustainability in connection with animal husbandry and farming practices is generally positively connoted. Dairy industry increasingly uses sustainability data e.g. minimized carbon and water footprints as marketing strategies. This information either is placed directly on the product or is provided on the company homepage.This review provides an overview of current varieties of cow’smilk in terms of production and consumers perception and discusses the real differences in milk quality.
Keywords: milk, extended shelf life,farming practices, A2 milk, health claims, lactose free milk, carbon footprint.
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Laguna Paredes CLa*
Rossmann Ba
Schreiner Mb
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Laguna Paredes CLa*
Rossmann Ba
Schreiner Mb
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