International Journal of Dairy Science and Technology (IJDST) ISSN 1716-3498), Vol. 4(1), pp. 218-224, July, 2020. Advanced Scholars Journals
Review paper
Review on Milk and Milk product Handling Practices, Utilization and Microbial quality in Ethiopia
1Mebrate G, *2Tewodros A and 1Etagegnehu B
1College of Agricultural and Natural Resources Sciences, Department of Animal Sciences, Debre Berhan University, Ethiopia
*2Woreta City Office of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, South Gondar Zone, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia
*Corresponding Author’s Email: [email protected]
Accepted 23 July, 2020.
Milk is yellowish-white non-transparent liquid secreted by epithelial cells in mammary gland of mammals. It is very nutritious food rich in macro and micronutrients. Being nutritious and liquid, it is an ideal for microbial growth and multiplication. The aim of this review is to compile information from earlier works on milk and milk products handling practices, utilization, quality and safety in Ethiopia. Milk and milk products to be safe and to have high quality, responsibility should be taken on dairy producers, retailers and manufacturers. Ethiopia is known by huge number of livestock; however, milk production and consumption is below the expected standard. In Ethiopia, milk hygiene practices are below the standard due to insufficient pre-milking and post-harvest handling practices. Milk quality is a blend of characteristics (chemical, physical, bacteriological and aesthetic) that boost up the acceptability of the milk product. Commonly used microbial quality tests for milk and milk products are determination of Total Bacterial Count (TBC) or Standard Plate Count (SPC), Coliform Count (CC), Yeast and Mould Counts, Enterobacteriaceae, and Somatic Cell Counts (SCC). In general, microbial content of milk and milk products is an indicative of the hygienic levels at milking, cleanliness of utensils, storage, and transportation.
Key words: - Milk quality, Milk safety, Total bacterial count, Coliform count, Milk hygiene.
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1Mebrate G
*2Tewodros A
1Etagegnehu B
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