Advanced Research Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

Advanced Research Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology ISSN:  5167-4231, Vol. 4 (1), pp. 027-037,April, 2019. © Advanced Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

 The study and analysis of the distribution of sexually transmitted disease condition through homosexuality in Egyptian male.

Sameh Sh.Zaytoun1, Raouf M Afif*2, Amani Qulali2, Hanan Nomeir3

1Department of Community Medicine & Internal Medicine, South Valley University, Qena, Egypt

*2Community Health Institute, International Management-Health Services, Inc. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.

3 Department of Medical Biochemistry, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.

Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected]

 Accepted 9 April, 2019


Homosexuality is the commonest psychosexual disorder, however few data present upon in Egypt. This study aimed to determine the epidemiology of homosexuality in male youth populations in Upper Egypt, and associated sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Methods: a sample of 1,500 Egyptian 18-35 years old men attending for medical examination in Qena University Hospital (QUH) outpatient department between March 2013 and March 2014 were randomly selected; prevalence of homosexuality and associated sexually transmitted diseases were studied. Results: A low rate of marriage with subsequent late age of marriage among the study group has been found, mainly due to economic causes. On contrary to the expected, only 36 (2.4%) young adults gave history of illegal sex behavior, only one of whom admitted to have homosexual activity, compared to the remaining individuals who were all heterosexuals. In parallel to such reduced illegal sexual behavior, human immune deficiency virus (HIV) /acquire immunodeficiency disease (AIDS), syphilis and gonorrhea, all were absent among the studied population Conclusions: Homosexuality is unlikely among male Egyptian youth.  Islamic moral code and Coptic Christianity which forbid adultery render homosexuality, and extramarital sex, less likely as a public health problem. In turn, an essential route for spread of the STDs in general and HIV/AIDS in particular is largely diminished.

Keywords: Heterosexuals, psychosexual disorder, homosexuality, young adults, risks, Egypt.


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