Advanced Research Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

Advanced Research Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology   Vol.  2  (1),  pp. 010-014, September, 2015. Available online at  © Advanced Scholars Journals 

Full length Research paper

Perception of leadership and its effect on staff motivation in a tertiary health facility in Jos, Plateau state, Nigeria

*Banwat M.E, 1Banwat E.B, 2Dakhin A.P, and Kefas I.B.

Department of Community Medicine, Jos University Teaching Hospital Jos, PMB 2076 Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. 234-08036133983

1Department of Medical Microbiology, Jos University Teaching Hospital Jos, Plateau State Nigeria.

2Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences University of Jos,Plateau State Nigeria.

Email:[email protected]

Accepted 01 September, 2015


Motivated staff are invaluable in any organization. The type of leadership of an organization should motivates its staff. The extent to which the leadership style motivates staff in a public tertiary hospital has been studied in this research. Proportionate sampling was used to sample 220 staff of the hospital and data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed using EPI info. Logistic regression and Chi-square test were statistical tests used. A p-value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Mean age of respondents was 37.12 + 7.13years. Most respondents were male and had attained tertiary education. There was a statistically significant association between the sex of workers and the type of incentive that motivated them, p = 0.0134. There was assocoo2qwkiation between inter-departmental teamwork and the type of leadership in the department, p = 0.0001. Perceiving the organization’s management to be democratic was the most predictive factor for being highly motivated in this study.  It was concluded that the perception of workers of a democratic leadership has an important bearing with motivation of the workers. Managers of public organizations should endeavor to be exemplary and encouraging in their leadership.

 Key words: Leadership, motivation, organization, hospital, democratic, teamwork.

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