Advanced Research Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology (ARJPHE) ISSN 5167-4231 Vol. 5(1), pp. 065-070, February, 2020. © Advanced Scholars Journals
Full length Research paper
Coronavirus, Covid-19 and its centrifugal effects
Odebola Taiwo James
Near East University, Lefkosa
Corresponding author’s Email:[email protected]
Accepted 19 February, 2020
Although the novel coronavirus, covid-19, had its inception in the latter part of the year 2019, its accelerated divergence at the initial commencement of the year 2020 into every cranny of our global spatial habitation, particularly, in the first set of the countries to feel the impact as at April 2020 calls for attention as it affects economies and nations at this initial stage, and these are the foremost affected nations at the initiation of the viral divergence in the first-quarter of the year 2020. The work stipulated the economic implications, benefits and characteristics of the virus, the article further submitted the post-economic effects and the aftermath of the supposed eradication of the pandemic. This work uses facts and figures from World Health Organization, WHO and Worldometer to juxtapose its position cum submission with the prevalent data relative to the affected, who are those infected, the death arising from infection and those who survived the pandemic by responding positively to treatment. More so, the article examines the impact of global shutdown as it affects economic activities across the globe and enunciates the caveats that support some corporations, societies cum nations with formidable structures to sustain their continued existence, economies and the citizens respectively during the pandemic.
KeyWords: The divergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic effects of coronavirus, aftermath of the coronavirus, the centrifugal impact of the pandemic on the globe, economic impacts of the pandemic on nations affected, Global shutdown and its consequences.
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