Advanced Research Journal of Business Management

Advanced Research Journal of Business Management ISSN: 1073-2101, Vol. 1(11) pp. 092-097, November, 2018. © Advanced Scholars Journals

Full length Research paper

A study of the meaningful learning by business management students

*Margrethe Nielsen, Brigitte Mikkelsen and Caroline Hersholt

University of Castilla-La Mancha, Faculty of Social Sciences 44, Los Alfares Avenue 16071, Cuenca, Spain.

*Corresponding Authors. Email: [email protected]

Accepted 25 October, 2018


In the search to improve the quality of education at the university level, the use of concept mapping is becoming an important instructional technique for enhancing the teaching-learning process. This educational tool is based on cognitive theories by making a distinction between learning by rote (memorizing) and learning by meaning, where learners set up their process of acquisition of new concepts and enhance their cognitive structure for creative problem solving. The potential of concept mapping to improve education can be considered: (1) as a planned learning strategy, (2) as an instructional strategy in the classroom, (3) as a strategy for planning students’ curriculum, and (4) as a means of assessing students’ understanding of concepts. The purpose of this article is to evaluate this learning tool for the assessment of business management degree students. Also, the article includes conclusion, limitations and possibilities for future research in the final section.

Key words: Concept mapping, meaningful learning, innovative education, assessment of learning, education quality.

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