Advanced Journal of Seed Science and Technology

Advanced Journal of Seed Science and Technology (AJSST)  ISSN 2812-3425, Vol. 9(1), pp. 297-301, January, 2023. © Advanced Scholars Journals

Full length Research paper

Comparative Seed Yield and Quality Performance of Different Dark (Corchorus olitoriusL.) jute varieties

Jannatul Ferdush1*, Lutfar Rahman1, Pabitra Sutradhar2, Arifur Rahman3 and Md. Meftahul Karim3

*1Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

2Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh.

3Department of Agricultural Extension, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

*Correspondence author’s E-mail: [email protected],

 Mobile Tel: +8801720843267

 Accepted 19th July, 2022


Jute is the world's second-largest source of fiber, and the major in Bangladesh. Jute is a completely eco-friendly fiber that is naturally renewable, biodegradable, and compostable. Jute (Corchorus spp.) has more than 100 species, but only the white (C. capsularis) and dark (C. olitorius) varieties are grown as diploid (2n = 2x = 14) crops. Corchorus olitorius, one of two species, occupies around 85% of Bangladesh's total arable jute field. Every year, Bangladesh needs roughly 6000 tons of jute seed. O-9897, JRO-524 and BJRI tossa pat- 8 are prominent jute varieties in Bangladesh. Three different varieties (BJRI tossa pat-8, O-9897 and JO 524) were used in this experiment. BJRI tossa pat-8 had the largest plant population/m2 (5.74), plant height (3.16 m), capsules per plant (95.40), capsule length (6.29 cm), 1000 seed weight (1.86 g), and seed yield (0.67 t/ha), according to the findings. O-9897 had the maximum number of branches per plant (10.27) and seeds per capsule (218.85). For seed quality metrics, O-9897 had the highest germination % (95.67), field emergence percentage (90.33), CVG percentage (72.25), and seed vigor percentage (42.72). Result showed that BJRI tossa pat-8 had a larger seed production than the other two varieties; however O-9897 had superior seed quality.

Keywords: Jute, varieties, Morpho-physiological characters, seed yield, seed quality


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