Advanced Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research

Advanced Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research, ISSN: 2073-2104 Vol. 1(2), pp. 013-026, January, 2020.  © Advanced Scholars Journals

Review paper

Impacts on the edifying environment ahead the Free Internet Offers, Traps and scrutiny that Threatens the Safety and isolation on the Web

Benita ML

 Department of Public Relation University of Florence, Italy

*Corresponding Author’s Email: [email protected]

Accepted 20 July, 2019.


The current edifying environment pedagogically and technologically sound has been undergoing several changes, mostly on what concerns the common sense in personal and institutional exposure, content  and  file  sharing.  The lack of knowledge about security and privacy besides the different ways of virtual learning environments does not guarantee a  new approach or  innovation. On  the other hand, the adoption and effective use of fads without a previous context of experimentation, testing, protection and logic of use can bring different results  of the expected negatively impacting the use of technologies to support the education.

Keywords: e-resources, oversharing, isolation, rereading, security

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