Advanced Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (AJEST) ISSN 2136-3468, Vol. 8(1), pp. 304-309, September, 2023. © Advanced Scholars Journals
Full length Research paper
Assessment of bioenergy potential from MSW in Urban Municipalities of Nigeria
*1Biose Osadebe, 1Bawo Kubeyinje, 1Imhontu Maureen, 1Akingba Olawale, 1Orerome Rita, 1Shella Amrasa 1Oghosa Akenzua, 1Onabe James, 1Okorie Christopher, 1Angalapu Jonah and 2Igbinomwahia D. Iyeke
1National Centre for Energy and Environment, Energy Commission of Nigeria, University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria
2Department of Mechanical Engineering,University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria
Corresponding Author E-mail: [email protected]
In Nigeria the disposal of waste in dumpsites whether approved or not certainly is an inefficient material management as it does not bring financial returns at the end point of the waste management system and it is also unsustainable. However, this is the case of Nigeria’s waste management system. This has lead to environmental, health, and aesthetic damage as well as depletion of natural and economic resources. This study was conducted in University of Benin, Ugbowo campus, Benin City, Edo State with the aim of investigating the bioenergy potential from solid waste by quantifying, characterizing and determining the bioenergy obtainable from waste generated within the University community. Stratified systematic sampling method was adopted and seventy nine (79) sample sites were chosen. The wastes generated are majorly household wastes which are food, plastic, paper, metal, glass, combustibles and lignin materials. The result revealed that fruit and food waste generated a mass of 916.60kg and 2792.63kg respectively. Based on this, about 37% of the waste generated had the potential for bioenergy production. This will result in an expected 968.30m3 of biogas to be generated in total per day. The bioenergy technology like the bioethanol plant with fractional distillation unit and bio digesters should be considered as the best treatment method as it is clean, sustainable, efficient and creates wealth.
Keywords: Municipal Solid Waste, Dumpsite, Environment, Waste Management, Bioenergy
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*1Biose Osadebe
1Bawo Kubeyinje
1Imhontu Maureen
1Akingba Olawale
1Orerome Rita
1Shella Amrasa 1Oghosa Akenzua
1Onabe James
1Okorie Christopher
1Angalapu Jonah
2Igbinomwahia D. Iyeke
on Pubmed
*1Biose Osadebe
1Bawo Kubeyinje
1Imhontu Maureen
1Akingba Olawale
1Orerome Rita
1Shella Amrasa 1Oghosa Akenzua
1Onabe James
1Okorie Christopher
1Angalapu Jonah
2Igbinomwahia D. Iyeke
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