International Journal of Soil Science and Agronomy

International Journal of Soil Science and Agronomy Vol.2 (3), pp. 051-059, March, 2015.© Advanced Scholars Journals

Full length Research Paper

The different types of Soil properties and phosphorus fractions in the three cropping systems of Lower indo-Gangetic alluvial plain

Sheikh Ghulam

Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agricultural Science, University of Delhi, India.

Email:[email protected]

Accepted 05 February, 2015


The variation of soil properties and phosphorous fractions in three different cropping systems were investigated in Chinchura-Mogra and Polba-Dadpur block of Hugli District, West Bengal representing lower Indo-Gangetic alluvial plain. One perennial cropping system (mango and banana plantation) and two annual cropping systems (Paddy-paddy and paddy-potato) were selected for this study. Sampling points were selected based on established soil map of the area. Soils of each cropping systems were characterized and the samples were collected for laboratory analysis. Analysis of variance was used to establish significant differences within the cropping system and pedons. Significantly lower clay (27.1%) and organic carbon (0.33%) was recorded in paddy-potato cropping system whereas paddy-paddy cropping system recorded significantly higher clay (53.6%), soil reaction (7.14) and cation exchange capacity (17.85 c mol (p+) kg-1). High available water content (12.11%) was recorded in the plantation system. The results from phosphorous fractionation studies shows that soils of plantation system recorded high Olsen-P (3.57 to 10.91 mg kg-1) and calcium-P (49.20 to 73.56 mg kg-1) whereas paddy-paddy cropping system having high iron-P (10.46 to 27.83 mg kg-1). The epipedons compared to the endopedons of the soils had significantly higher sand, organic matter, available water capacity, phosphorous fractions and lower clay content. The results showed that most of the soil properties were to a greater extent influenced by changes in cropping systems.

Key Words: Cropping systems, epipedons, endopedons, soil properties, phosphorous fractions.

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