International Journal of Animal Science, Husbandry and Livestock Production ISSN: 2141-5191 Vol. 6(5), pp. 328-336, May, 2020. © Advanced Scholars Journals
Full length Research paper
Study on Marketing and Constraints of Hide and Skin in three Selected Districts of Gambella Region, South West Ethiopia.
Getachew BF1* Merhun L1, Genet B1, and Aregay B1
1Gambella University, PO Box 126, Gambella, Ethiopia
*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected]
Accepted 5 May, 2020.
Livestock also plays an important role in providing export commodities, such as live animals, hides and skins to earn foreign exchanges to the country. Therefore, this study was conducted in three selected districts of Gambella regional state with the objective to assess the marketing and constraints of hide and skin in three selected districts of Gambella regional state. The sample size of the study was estimated to be 384 (128 from Gambellazuria, 128 from Godare and 128 from Lare) using the formula stated in Thrust field. The quantitative data was organized, summarized and encoded on excel sheet and analyzed with the help of Statistical Analysis System (SAS) 9.2 version 2008.Most farmers (75%) interviewed sell their hide and skin to Woreda’s level hide and skins collectors in their closest proximity. Moreover, 54.17% of the farmers’ sell their hide and skin to village level hide and skin collectors. Almost all the respondents reported that they use rejection methods of hide and skins about 87.24%, 38.94% and 33.85% throwing on the ground, burying and giving for dog, respectively. Generally, the average selling price of hide and skin in Godare, Lare and Gambellazuria were significantly (p<0.05) different.
Key words: Farmers, Hide and Skin, Livestock, Marketing, Slaughtering.
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Getachew BF1* Merhun L1
Genet B1
Aregay B1
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Genet B1
Aregay B1
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