International Journal of Agriculture and Food Security

International Journal of Agriculture and Food Security (IJAFS) ISSN 0812-3497, Vol. 10(3), pp. 312-324, August, 2023. © Advanced Scholars  Journals

Full length Research paper

Pathways of meeting the urban household food security challenges through urban agricultural dynamics in theBuea Municipality, South West Region, Cameroon

*1Nkemasong Nicasius Anumveh, 2Chiambah Charity, and3 Umo Anagho Roland

*1,2&3Department of Geography, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, University of Buea, P.O Box, 63, Buea, Cameroon, (N.N.A.)

*Corresponding author’s Email: [email protected]

Accepted 7th August, 2023.


20th century urban explosion has provoked  looming acute food shortages therein especially is developing country cities, which urban dwellers seek to mitigate through urban agriculture ventures to match food supply with food demand. This study sought to establish the urban food security dilemma in Buea municipality and project urban agriculture as a sustainable panacea. 120 respondents selected from five neighbourhoods (Molyko South Area, Malingo, Ndongo, Sossoliso and Check Point) by stratified random technique provided primary data obtained through questionnaires complemented by direct field observations and measurements. Key results from data analysed through descriptive statistical measures and presented in tables, graphs and pictures, reveal that 61% of the Buea urban households rarely have sufficient food security (quantity, quality, frequency) principally due to insufficient funds (76.7%) and current socio-political upheavals in the area (36.7%). The greatly diversified urban farms, produce variety of vegetables, cereals, tubers fruits and animal proteins (fowls, pigs) with 40% for subsistence and 45% sold in Buea, confirming (65%) urban agriculture as urban food shortages solution. Unfortunately it faces key challenges as land scarcity (67%), seasonal variability (65%)and pests and diseases (54%). To uphold its food security role, government should support urban farmers to better combat these setbacks.

Key words: Buea Municipality, Challenges, food security, food demand and supply, urban agriculture, urban farmer


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