International Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development

International Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development ISSN: 2716-7969 Vol. 8(2), pp. 192-202 , September, 2022.  © Advanced Scholars Journals

Full Length Research paper

An assessment of factors that lead to low agricultural productivity in Malawi

* William Chirwa Mabedi, Thabiso DO. and Malewezi Masualle

Department of Rural Development and Extension, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR). Malawi

Accepted 25 May, 2022


Poverty is said to be very high in developing countries, and many people live below the poverty line. There are different causes of poverty, but the most common one is food insecurity. Therefore, the contribution of agriculture to ensuring food security in the poor countries cannot be ignored. Although many farmers in some developing countries practise subsistence farming, agriculture accounts for a large share to the means of livelihood in the rural areas of developing countries. This is because about 80% of people in developing countries live in rural areas and depend on agriculture for livelihood. Despite the large contribution of agriculture to rural development in developing countries, the sector (agriculture) is confronted with many different challenges. There is low agricultural productivity (especially in peasant farming) because of the use of traditional technologies, and other factors. And this results in food insecurity in many households. However, countries implement different programmes and policies to increase productivity in agriculture. It is in this respect, this paper looks at the different policies, methods and programmes implemented by the Malawi government to increase agricultural productivity/production since the period of colonialism.

Key words: Agriculture, rural development, crop production, food security, poverty, green revolution.

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