Advanced Research Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Advanced Research Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology ISSN: 1730-3494, Vol. 3(11) pp. 067-073, November, 2018.  © Advanced Scholars Journals

Full Length Research paper

Impact of pharmaceutical performance through interventions by pharmacy

*Romário Coelho, Garrincha Saverin and Diego Massa

Maria Aparecida Pedrossian University Hospital, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.

*Email: [email protected]

Accepted 12 October, 2018


The study aimed to identify and analyze drug-related problems (DRP), negative outcomes associated with medication (NOM) and the impact of pharmaceutical performance through interventions by pharmacy residents at the University Hospital of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. This retrospective, cross-sectional single-center study analyzed data registered in Pharmaceutical Intervention forms recorded by pharmacy residents between March 2011 and February 2012. DRP and NOM were classified according to the definitions proposed by the Third Consensus of Granada (2007). A total of 256 pharmaceutical interventions from 155 patients were registered, of which 50.78% were from patients of 60 years of age or above. Majority of interventions took place in the surgery wards, medical clinic and adult intensive care unit, with 89.06% of interventions being accepted. Among these interventions, 401 DRP, of which 21.07% were related to the probability of adverse effects, and 298 NOM, of which 33.87% were related to non-quantitative safety problems, were observed. Anti-infectives for systemic use were shown to be the group most often involved with DRP. Treatment effectiveness was the reason for intervention in 80.23% of forms. A close relationship between physicians and pharmacists ensures more rapid identification of prescription errors, possible adverse effects, DRP and NOM. Despite of the issue importance, the published studies on the topic remains scarce. The results of studies that evaluate DRP and NOM collaborate with the analysis of the pharmaceutical service provided to hospitalized patients in the present study.

Key words: Drug-related problems, negative outcomes associated with medication, pharmacotherapeutic monitoring, hospital pharmaceutical care, third consensus of Granada.

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