Advanced Research Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Advanced Research Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology ISSN: 1730-3494, Vol. 4(1) pp. 080-086, February , 2019.  © Advanced Scholars Journals

Full length Research paper

Artesunate versus Quinine : comparative analysis of  efficiency clinic and Biologic in the treatment of complicated malaria in the north eastern  of democratic republic of Congo

Ngbonda ND1, Mashako MR2*, Alworonga JP.2, Batoko B2, Falay D2, Tebandite E2, Mande G2, Muyobela V2, Apio N2 and Nkinamubanzi M2

Faculty of  medecine and  Pharmacy, pediatry department- Kisangani University.

Corresponding Author:E-Mail:[email protected]

Accepted January, 2019


The measure of parasitary density in severe forms of malaria remains a true indicator in the assessment of the new techniques performances of a quick diagnostic of paludism and mainly of efficiency of the new antipaludic molecules as artesunate recommended in the treatment of severe forms of malaria since 2011. Hence our study aims at comparing the clinic and biologic efficiency of artesunate and  quinine in the treatment of paludism complications in Kisangani, from the period of January 1St ,2015 to December 31, 2017. Our study being transversal and exhaustive sampling ; wehad analysed 117 surveying forms of children aged  of  0 to 16 years of which 34 patients under artesunate and 83 patients under quinin treatment. After the examination, the treatment and data analysis in Microsoft, Excel ; word Software 2010 ; it was concluded : Children of  6 to 12 years old was the mostly concerned with 48.7%. Male sex predomine at 56.4% and the sex ratio of 1.3.The age bracket of 5- 10years old to parasite density of 76 532  P/µL. This density is more present to boys 86 492  P/µL. The thermic lyse  as well as the reduction of parasitary density is observed in the concordent way as well as under artesunat and under quinin. This study concluded that artesunate and quinine present a similar clinic and biologic efficiency. Nevertheless were commended a maintainance of the strict observance of biologic density of malaria at look different varieties there are antipaludic molecules proposed on the market.

 Keywords : Parasitary, density, efficiency, compared, antipaludic molecules,

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