Advanced Research Journal of Biotechnology (ARJB) ISSN 3456-097xVol. 4(3), pp. 086-090, August, 2020. © Advanced Scholars Journals
Full length Research paper
Production of Bioorganic Liquid Fertilizer from Camel Manure and Onion Bulbs
Ali Y, Zekeria Y* and JM Sasikumar JM
School of Biological and Biotechnological Sciences, Haramaya University
*Corresponding Author’s Email:[email protected]
Accepted 16 June, 2020.
The bioorganic fertilizer obtained through aerobic fermentation comprises a number of growth substances, vitamins, antibiotics, amino acids and useful micro-organisms. Bioorganic liquid fertilizer not only increases bioorganic fertility of crops (in comparison to the control and prototype fertilizer), but also accelerates their maturation and nutrient quality. Thus, the present study was aimed to produce bioorganic liquid fertilizer from camel manure and groundnut husks through aerobic fermentation in open containers. The results indicated that Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca) and sodium (Na) were found to be significant between bioorganic liquid fertilizer and compost tea (used as a control) solutions. However, there were differences with respect to Carbon(C), Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and Magnesium (Mg) contents .The bioorganic liquid fertilizer produced was evaluated by growing lettuce in pot experiment and result indicated that the performance of lettuce with bioorganic fertilizer was better than that of compost tea solution and soil grown plants.
Keywords: Compost tea, Electrical conductivity, Organic Fertilizers, Plant macronutrients
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