Advanced Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research (AJNMR) ISSN: 7943-0783, Vol. 1(3), pp. 011-018, September, 2022. © Advanced Scholars Journals
Review paper
Fully developed sickle cell infected patients’ information and demeanor toward the preventive measures of sickle cell illness emergency
Rojer RA*, Nasir MK and Khawaja OO,
1Department of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine, Fayoum University, Al Fayoum,.
Accepted 22 March, 2021
Sickle cell emergency is preventable most of the times. Be that as it may, in Bahrain sickling emergency is the foremost complained and cause of clinic confirmation. No information is accessible with respect to the degree of information and demeanors towards the sickling crisis’s preventive measures the grown-up Bahraini sickle cell patients have. The reason of this paper is to investigate the degree of information and state of mind of Bahraini grown-up sickle cell patients towards the preventive measures of sickle cell crisis. The objective is to set up standard information and to utilize the discoveries in planning mindfulness programs that would help the sickle cell patients to anticipate the sickling emergency. A helpful test of 84 Bahraini grown-up sickle cell patients accomplished. Organized meet approach was utilized to survey the subjects' information and states of mind toward the preventives measures of sickle cell emergency. The comes about show n that the test was tolerably learned approximately the sickling preventive measures (Cruel of Information score = 55%) and decently compliant (Cruel of States of mind score = 63%). The subjects' information (approximately the preventive measures) was found to be tolerably and emphatically related (r = 0.57, r2 = 0.32, p = 0.000) with their states of mind toward emergency avoidance. Planning mindfulness programs with respect to the preventive measures of sickle cell emergency is an apparent require for these patients.
Key words: Bahrain sickling emergency, sickle cell trait (SCT), sickle cell disease crisis, sickling crisis, Vaso- occlusion crisis (VOC), knowledge, attitude, sickle cell emergency.
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