Advanced Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research

Advanced Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research (AJNMR) ISSN: 7943-0783, Vol. 1(2), pp. 006-010, June, 2022.  © Advanced Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Papers

The impact of foot and hand knead on postoperative cardiac surgery torment

Alizaman Guangdong*, Fathizadeh B Marziyeh and Qikun Shenzhen

Southern University of Science and Technology, China.

*Corresponding author. E-mail:[email protected] 

Accepted 20 April, 2022 


This study was conducted to decide the impacts of foot and hand knead on postoperative torment and narcotic medicate utilize in cardiac surgery patients. One of the foremost imperative issues and complaint that have been experienced by patients who are affected by surgery is the torment. Physiological reactions to torment make destructive impacts on the body recuperation after cardiac surgery, and they routinely report mellow to direct torment indeed in spite of the fact that narcotic drugs have been managed. This think about was a clinical trial performed within the seriously care cardiac unit (ICCU) and cardiac surgery ward of Gollestan clinic, subordinate on Jondishapour College of Restorative Sciences in Ahwaz city, Iran. Sixty-five patients were chosen based on point and haphazardly doled out to either control (n = 33) or rub gather (n = 32). The rub gather gotten a 20 min foot and hand rub (each limit 5 min) and control bunch rested in bed and analyst was close them for 20 min. Torment concentrated measured by visual simple scale and other factors were measured by check list some time recently and after mediation in two bunches. There was factually noteworthy distinction on the torment escalated and sort, and sum of narcotic medicate utilized between the two bunches after mediation (rub) (p-value = 0.000). Concurring to the gotten discoveries, to begin with and moment theory were endorsed, and the torment was diminished by hand and foot knead. Our think about bolsters the adequacy of knead in postoperative cardiac surgical torment. 

Key words: Patients, hand and Foot knead, cardiac surgery, torment, clinical trial.

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