Advanced Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Advanced Journal of Medicinal Plants Research (AJMPR) ISSN 2812-3492, Vol. 5(1), pp. 027-032, July, 2020.  © Advanced Scholars Journals

Full length Research paper

The firtst 31 medicinal plant species prioritized for conservation and sustainable utilization at Fedis and Midega districts of Oromiya regional state, Ethiopia.

*Abebe Worku, Naol Bayu, and Ashenafi Teshager

 *Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute, Harar Biodiversity Center, Pobox 1121, Harar, Ethiopia

*Corresponding Author’s E-mail:[email protected]

Accepted 24 July, 2020


This study was carried out to document medicinal plant species prioritized for conservation and sustainable utilization based on the indigenous knowledge among the traditional healers of Fedis and Midega districts of Oromiya regional state, East Ethiopia. 12 traditional healers were selected from the study area and given duty to rank the medicinal plant species based on the medicinal value and vulnerability in the surrounding source. The ranks given by all of the traditional healers were averaged by Microsoft excel for the 31 medicinal plant species to decide the average ranks of each of the medicinal plant species. Trema orientalis, Solanecio angulatus, Cissampelos mucronata, Jasmin grandiflorum, Aloe calidophylla, Cucumis dipsaceus, Withania somnifera,  Cymbopogon citrate,  Polygala sphenoptera, Cardus macracanthus, Tamarindus indica, Acacia brevispica, Punica granatum, Impatiens rothi, Berchemia discolor, Kalanchoe quartiniana, Vernonia amygdalina, Cassipourea malosana,  Croton macrostachys, Balanites aegyptiaca, Ziziphus spina-christi, Doviyalis abyssinica, Erythrina brucei, Olea europea sub.sp. cuspidate, Commicarpus africanus, Diospyros abyssinica, Steganotaenia araliacea, Artemisia absinthium, Rubus apetalus, Senna Italica, and Cucumis ficifolius were the first 31 medicinal plant species in that order which were prioritized by the traditional healers. The study showed that these 31 medicinal plant species are threatened in their wild habitat. Therefore special attention must be given to these species when responsible body performs the task of conservation and sustainable utilization of plant species in the study area.

Key words: Indigenous knowledge, traditional healers, medicinal plant, Fedis district, Midega district, rank, Prioritized, Ethiopia

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