Advanced Journal of Agricultural Research

Advanced Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 1 (1), pp. 001-005, September, 2013. © Advanced Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Conjunctive use of humic acid, bio fertilizer and   phosphorus augumented nutrients contents in chickpea under green house conditions.

Muhammadn Sarwar1,* Syed Ishtiaq Hyder2 and Muhammad Ehsan Akhtar.3

1,2,3Land Resources Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC),


*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

Accepted 13 September, 2013


A pot experiment was conducted at green house (LRRI) NARC, Islamabad on loamy soil during kharif 2012 to investigate the interactive effect of humic acid (HA), Phosphorus solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) as a biofertilizer and Phosphorus (P) on P use efficiency in chickpeas. The treatments were: HA0P0, HA0IP0, HA0P75%, HA0IP75%, HA0P100%, HA0IP100%, HA50mg kg -1P0, HA50mg kg -1 IP0,, HA50mg kg -1 P75%, HA50mg kg -1 IP75%, HA50mg kg -1 P100%, HA50mg kg -1 IP100% .The results of the study showed that nutrients (N, P and K) contents were significantly increased by the application of humic acid and PSB inoculation. The maximum contents of  N (4.5%), P (.36%) and K (2.15%)  in chickpea significantly increased with soil application of humic acid at 50 mg Kg-1 along with 50 mg Kg-1 P2O5 (100% P) and PSB inoculation. The nutrients availability in soil was also improved in all treatments. However, the results were statistically at par with soil application of humic acid at 50 mg Kg-1 along with 37.5 mg Kg-1 P2O5 (75% P) and PSB inoculation. It is concluded that combined effect of HA; P and PSB inoculation can improve nutrients use efficiency and reduce phosphorus fertilizer cost by 25% for chickpea production. 

Key words: Humic acid, bio fertilizer and nutrients content 

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