International Journal of Animal Science, Husbandry and Livestock Production (IJASHLP) (2141-5191), Vol. 6(6), pp. 328-333, July, 2020. © Advanced Scholars Journals
Review paper
Current Status, Marketing and Transportation of Beef Cattle in Ethiopia
1Mebrate G,*2Tewodros A and 1Derbie Z
1College of Agricultural and Natural Resources Science, Department of Animal Science, DebreBerhan University, Ethiopia
*2Woreta City Office of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, South Gondar Zone, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia
*Corresponding Author’s Email: [email protected]
Beef production systems in Ethiopia are generallyIllegal trade subsistence-oriented and productivity is very low.Accordingly, low productivity of the animals and absence of market-oriented production systems are described as the main constraints of livestock production in the country.In Ethiopian, for the demand of live animals and meat, there are different opportunities like domestic consumption, official exports, and high demand for animals by the export abattoirs. However, various internal and external factors are described under the challenges of beef animal and meat marketing system in Ethiopia and it includes absence of market information system, absence of promotional activities, prevalence of diseases, traditional production systems, illegal export trade, and lack of infrastructure. Transporting animals by dedicated trucks avoid stress, injuries, weight loss, and deterioration of body condition and death associated with poor transport. Moreover, currently, there are no rules and regulations that prohibit transporting animals by ordinary trucks under poor conditions. From this review it has been recommended that major diseases should be controlled, legal channels, market infrastructure, and service facilities along borders and implementation of strategies with neighboring countries for legalizing trade should be developed. Livestock transportation facilities, improved slaughterhouse, livestock resting sites, and storage and quarantine facilities at required sites should be present.
Keywords: Animal welfare, Beef cattle marketing,Transportation, Illegal trade.